Lucy Pereira has asked me to post the following on the wiki forum:
"Hello everyone,
Sorry for the short notice but I was just wondering if anyone among you lives in Cornwall or in Devon? Lulu leaves London for a change to explore the beauty of Cornwall.
Two things will be happening in that part of the world next week:
1) My colleague, Carolyn Hack and I, will be giving a presentation about Lulu.
We will be visiting Cornwall to speak at the Self-Publishing seminar on June 14 2007 at the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth. The event starts at 6.30pm and will include a roundtable discussion with several authors who have self-published via Lulu or other self-publishing operations.
The event has been organised by and it costs £15 to take part. Find out how to register here:
2) For those of you who can't or do not want to come to the talk, I would also like to organise a free meetup in Falmouth on Friday 15 June at 6.30 pm. The name of the pub is yet to be confirmed but I will keep you posted. It will be an informal opportunity for you to meet local authors, some of them publishing with Lulu, so bring a copy of your book! It will be a chance for everyone to talk about their work and learn about other authors' stories.
The invitation extends to anyone who lives not just in Cornwall but also in Devon or in the South West or indeed to anyone who wants to come along.
The more, the merrier…
I really look forward to meeting some of you there."
Lucy Pereira.
Please post to the thread on the Lulu forum if you are interested.
"One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." ~ André Gide